
要滅治蟑螂是須要根據具體環境和蟑螂茲生的活動地方來施藥;例如廚房內的爐頭、碗櫃、餐櫃、抽屜、貯物室、雜物間、倉庫等。施藥方法是使用先進的殺蟲藥劑滯留噴灑作區域,倒性快,藥效持久,無抗藥性,噴灑後不留痕跡,對人體及環境無害 。
Cockroaches have a hard, ellipse and solid body with small head, therefore they could hiding in a cranny in the stone wall. They have a strong reproductive capacity and adaptation. They have large compound eyes, two ocelli, and long, flexible, antennae. Cockroaches are most common in the insect since 3,500 years before A.D.
Their survivability is depends on the wet and warm environment with enough food and multiple interspace. They like hiding in the interspace between door, furniture, electric equipment or refuse chamber…etc. They are propagator that not only polluting our food but also spreading the virus as cholera, pneumonia, diphtheria, anthrax and tuberculosis.
In fact, the survivability could be under control by improvement as terminate their living condition, therefore, the environment should be seriously check base on the cockroaches habits and style to positioning the insecticides in the targets place like kitchens, hearths, cupboards, container, lockers, and storerooms. Spraying the insecticides in the whole area is most useful and work for termination, and we use the most advanced and update insecticides that is sustained, non-resistance, and smell-less.
Furthermore, the prevention is just no longer if we did not improve our environment totally. To reaching the successful prevention, we should continuously take care and improve our environment like block the cranny, replace the door, windows, and cave. Food shortage, and cleaning the surplus food is also important.

主要服務 : 滅蟲, 滅虫, 殺蟲, 滅白蟻, 滅紅火蟻, 滅蜂, 滅蟑螂, 滅飛蟲, 滅蚊蠅, 蟲鼠防治, 消毒服務
pest control, termite control, white ant control, mice control, rat control, fire ant control, bee control, wasp control, cockroach control, fly control, mosquito control, disinfections.
主要服務 : 滅蟲, 滅虫, 殺蟲, 滅白蟻, 滅紅火蟻, 滅蜂, 滅蟑螂, 滅飛蟲, 滅蚊蠅, 蟲鼠防治, 消毒服務pest control, termite control, white ant control, mice control, rat control, fire ant control, bee control , wasp control, cockroach control, fly control, mosquito control, disinfections.